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7 janvier 2008 à 9 h 10 min #580089
@tenprod : Il faudrait nous faire une copie du début du polyglot.php pour que l’on puisse voir les paramètres utilisés. A priori, il semble y avoir un souci avec la structure du lien généré par Polyglot.
7 janvier 2008 à 11 h 52 min #580090voici le code de polyglot.php sur mon serveur
sachez que pour l’instant je l’ai désactivé, en attendant une autre solution…merci !
Plugin Name: Polyglot
Plugin URI: http://fredfred.net/skriker/index.php/polyglot
Description: Plugin that helps you make your Wordpress powered web completely multilingual. With full support of multiple time and date formats, localization of your RSS feeds and, of course, publishing your posts and pages in any number of languages. Inspired by <a href="http://www.noprerequisite.com/language_picker/">Language Picker</a>. For more information, comments or questions visit the <a href="http://fredfred.net/skriker/index.php/polyglot">Polyglot’s homepage</a>.
Version: 2.3
Author: Martin Chlupac
Author URI: http://fredfred.net/skriker/
Update: http://fredfred.net/skriker/plugin-update.php?p=198
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Default language version – used when proper language version of the text is not present or the visitor’s prefered language is unknown
$polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’] = ‘fr’;
//You can define your own translations of language shortcuts
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘en’] = ‘english’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘de’] = ‘deutsch’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘nl’] = ‘nederlands’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘fr’] = ‘française’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘cs’] = ‘Ä esky’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘it’] = ‘italiano’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘sv’] = ‘svenska’;
//Which language versions you offer for the whole web – use the proper ISO codes!
$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘en’,’fr’);
//set to ‘true’ if there should be shown flags instead of names of languages
$polyglot_settings[‘use_flags’] = true;
//list of ISO codes and their image represantations (flags).
//all flags can be found in ‘polyglot_flags’ directory
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘en’] = ‘gb.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘de’] = ‘de.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘nl’] = ‘nl.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘fr’] = ‘fr.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘cs’] = ‘cz.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘it’] = ‘it.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘sv’] = ‘se.png’;
//time format for each language
//if not set – default WP time format is used
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘en’] = ‘g.i a’;
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘de’] = ‘G:i’;
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘nl’] = ‘G:i’;
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘fr’] = ‘G:i’;
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘cs’] = ‘G.i’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘en’] = ‘Y-m-d’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘de’] = ‘j. F Y’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘nl’] = ‘j F Y’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘fr’] = ‘j F Y’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘cs’] = ‘j. n. Y’;
/*path to the plugin directory
don’t forget trailing slash if you are changing this value
$polyglot_settings[‘path_to_flags’] = get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/polyglot_flags/’;
//if you use WP older than 1.5 you must use this:
//$polyglot_settings[‘path_to_flags’] = get_bloginfo(‘url’).’/wp-content/plugins/’;
//default text that is shown when the proper language version of the post is missing and even the default language version is not there
// use $polyglot_settings[‘text_is_missing_message’] = »; if you want to turn it off.
$polyglot_settings[‘text_is_missing_message’] = ‘[lang_en]Sorry, but this post is not available in English[/lang_en][lang_cs]Tento pÅ™ÃspÄ›vek bohužel nenà dostupný v Ä eÅ¡tinÄ›.[/lang_cs]’;
//Should be printed where xx stands for ISO code of current language?
$polyglot_settings[‘print_meta’] = false;
// Name of the cookie – default:’wordpress_lang_pref’.$cookiehash
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’] = ‘wordpress_lang_pref’.COOKIEHASH;
Should Polyglot attempt to dynamically change the WP locale
setting based on user’s prefered language? Note, for this to work
.mo files must be renamed to match the name specified in $polyglot_settings[‘wplang’] array
but you don’t have to rename anything in most cases as there is already list of current WP versions present.
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_change_locale’] = TRUE;
To use permalinks for other languages set this to « true ».
You probably don’t have to do anything else if you have « index.php » in your permalink structure.
In some cases it doesn’t work smoothly with re-writing rules specified in .htaccess file – then you have to add some rules to that file manually.
For more info check: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=mod_rewrite
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_rewrite’] = true;
This should stay turned off unless you had problems with rules in your .htaccess file and you have edited them manually.
$polyglot_settings[‘i_have_manually_edited_my_htaccess_file’] = false; //change this only if you know what you are doing!
There are some helpers added (/lang/, /lang-pref/) by default to the url to help Polyglot distinguish between language code and short post slug.
These can be turned off. But don’t turn them off unless you have a good reason to do that.
$polyglot_settings[‘use_helpers_in_uri’] = true;
If you want to use these helpers but you want to change them – do that here:
$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’] = ‘lang’;
$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’] = ‘lang-pref’;
The xx from [lang_xx] will be translated according to this table to the $locale/WPLANG variable in WP. It also suggests the name of the .mo file.
Add your language or change it as you need.
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ar’] = ‘ar’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘bg’] = ‘bg_BG’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘cs’] = ‘cs_CZ’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘cy’] = ‘cy’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘da’] = ‘da_DK’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘de’] = ‘de_DE’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘el’] = ‘el’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘eo’] = ‘eo’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘es’] = ‘es_ES’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘fa’] = ‘fa’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘fi’] = ‘fi_FI’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘fr’] = ‘fr_FR’;//fr_BE
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘hu’] = ‘hu_HU’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘it’] = ‘it_IT’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ja’] = ‘ja_JP’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ko’] = ‘ko’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘nb’] = ‘nb_NO’;//nn_NO
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘pl’] = ‘pl_PL’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘pt’] = ‘pt_BR’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ru’] = ‘ru_RU’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sk’] = ‘sk’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sq’] = ‘sq’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sr’] = ‘sr_CS’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sv’] = ‘sv_SE’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘zh’] = ‘zh_CN’;
//============================================STOP EDITING HERE! (unless you know what you are doing)=====================================
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘polyglot_filter_with_message’,1);
add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘polyglot_filter_htmlentities’,1);
add_filter(‘single_post_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘single_cat_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘wp_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_content_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_excerpt_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_title_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘comment_text_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘bloginfo_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_excerpt’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘comment_text’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘list_cats’,’__’,1);//we register standard gettext function
add_filter(‘bloginfo’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1,1);
You probably have to incerase the length of ‘cat_name’ column in MySql table ‘categories’ in your DB to be able to use this.
‘cat_name’ is by default just 55 characters long.
add_filter(‘the_category’, ‘polyglot_filter_htmlentities’,1);
add_filter(‘list_cats’, ‘polyglot_filter_htmlentities’,2);
add_filter(‘sanitize_title’, ‘polyglot_sanitize_title’, 1);
//here we try to guess which language user wants
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] = polyglot_get_users_pref_lang();//we don’t know anything about the user’s preferred language yet but we can get it from his browser
This function processes the requested URI and filters it before the rest of the WP gets it
function polyglot_init() {
global $polyglot_settings,$locale;
$content = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];
$languages = implode(‘|’,$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]);
$find = array(
« /^(.*)/($languages)/?(.*)$/i »
else {
$find = array(
« /^(.*)/{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’]}/($languages)/?(.*)$/i »,
« /^(.*)/{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’]}/($languages)/?(.*)$/i »
$replace = array( », »);
if (preg_match($find[0], $content, $matches)) {
$content = $matches[1] . « / » . $matches[3];
$_GET[‘lang_pref’] = $matches[2];
if ($polyglot_settings[‘use_helpers_in_uri’] && preg_match($find[1], $content, $matches)) {
$content = $matches[1] . « / » . $matches[3];
$_GET[‘lang_view’] = $matches[2];
$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]= $content;
$_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’] = preg_replace($find,$replace,$_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’]);
$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] = preg_replace($find,$replace,$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]);
//let’s check if user has chosen the preferred language
if ( isset($_GET[‘lang_pref’]) ) {
$_GET[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower($_GET[‘lang_pref’]);
if( in_array($_GET[‘lang_pref’],$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) ){
setcookie($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’], $_GET[‘lang_pref’], time() + 30000000, COOKIEPATH,COOKIE_DOMAIN);
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]=$_GET[« lang_pref »];
//or he wants to see the post in the certain language
elseif( isset($_GET[‘lang_view’])){
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower($_GET[‘lang_view’]);
//or at least has the cookie with some value
elseif( isset($_COOKIE[$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’]]) ) {
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower(trim($_COOKIE[$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’]]));
This part should be removed but for some reason it’s needed on some installations:(
/*if($polyglot_settings[‘lang_rewrite’] && !$polyglot_settings[‘i_have_manually_edited_my_htaccess_file’]){
setcookie($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’], $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’], time() + 30000000, COOKIEPATH);
If the Polyglot is supposed to change the global language settings then… let’s do that!
if ($polyglot_settings[‘lang_change_locale’]){
$polyglot_foo = ( isset($polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) ) ? $polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]] : $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’];
if (!defined(‘WPLANG’)){//just try
define(‘WPLANG’, $polyglot_foo);
if($locale != $polyglot_foo){
$locale = $polyglot_foo;
Useful function when you want to generate new links with lang-pref settings. You must get rid of the old stuff!
function polyglot_uri_cleaner($txt){
global $polyglot_settings;
$search = array(
« /{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’]}/../?/i »,
« /{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’]}/../?/i »,
« /(?|&)lang_view=../i »,
« /(?|&)lang_pref=../i »,
« /^(.*index.php)/$/i »
$replace = array( », », », »,’$1′);
$search[] = « //(« .implode(« | »,$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]). »)/?/i »;
$replace[] = »;
$txt = preg_replace ( $search, $replace, $txt);
return $txt;
function polyglot_knownlangs(){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’];
function polyglot_translations(){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘trans’];
//—————————————————————time functions ————————
function polyglot_date($d = », $time = »){
global $polyglot_settings;
if($d == » && isset($polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]])){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
if(strpos($time, ‘-‘)){//trick to find you if we’ve got « mysql time » or unix timestamp
$time = mysql2date($d, $time);
$time = date($d,$time);
return $time;
function polyglot_time($d = », $time = »){
global $polyglot_settings;
if($d == » && isset($polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]])){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
if(strpos($time, ‘-‘)){//trick to find you if we’ve got « mysql time » or unix timestamp
$time = mysql2date($d, $time);
$time = date($d,$time);
return $time;
function polyglot_comment_time($time) {
global $comment,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) ){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$comment_date = $comment->comment_date;
$time = mysql2date($d, $comment_date);
return $time;
function polyglot_the_time($time,$d = »){
global $post,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) && $d== »){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$time = $post->post_date;
$time = mysql2date($d, $time);
return $time;
function polyglot_comment_date($time) {
global $comment,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) ){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$comment_date = $comment->comment_date;
$time = mysql2date($d, $comment_date);
return $time;
function polyglot_the_date($the_date, $d = », $before = », $after = »){
global $post,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) && $d== » && $the_date!= » ){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$the_date = $post->post_date;
$the_date = $before.mysql2date($d, $the_date).$after;
return $the_date;
function polyglot_get_lang(){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’];
function get_trans($lang){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘trans’][$lang];
return $lang;
function polyglot_wp_head(){
global $polyglot_settings;
echo « »;
function polyglot_filter_htmlentities($content, $category = null){
$content = preg_replace(« /<(/){0,1}lang_(..)>/i », « », $content);
return polyglot_filter($content);
Very simple test if the $lang version is present in the text.
function polyglot_lang_exists($lang, $content){
return ( !(strpos($content, « ») === false) || !(strpos($content, « [lang_$lang] ») === false) );
function polyglot_list_langs($flags=false){
global $polyglot_settings,$wp_query;
$clean_uri = polyglot_uri_cleaner($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]);
$uri_helper = »;
else {
$uri_helper = « {$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’]}/ »;
foreach($polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] as $value){
if ( $value==$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] ) {
$highlight = « language_item current_language_item »;
} else {
$highlight = « language_item »;
echo « <li class="$highlight"><a>« . (($flags) ? « <img /> » : get_trans($value)) . »</a></li>« ;
Original function in WP doesn’t work properly:(
function polyglot_trailingslashit($uri){
if($uri{strlen($uri)-1} != ‘/’)
return $uri.’/’;
return $uri;
The core function of the plugin. Selects only one language version from the passed text.
function polyglot_filter($text, $lang = ») {
global $polyglot_settings;
if($lang == »){$lang = $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’];}
$text = preg_replace(« /[(/){0,1}lang_(..)]/i », « », $text);//fix for [lang_xx]
$text = preg_replace (‘/<p>()</p>/i’, »$1″,$text);//fix for <p></p>
$text = preg_replace (‘/()/i’, »\1″,$text);//adds lang_all to all other stuff that is not enclosed in lang_xx tags
$text = preg_replace (‘/()/i’, »\1″,$text);
$text = ».$text. »;
if (preg_match_all ( ‘//’, $text , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
if (isset($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]) && polyglot_lang_exists($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’],$text)){
//lets try to get proper language version
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);//we don’t want just lang_pref parts but also lang_all parts
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$find = « /(?s)(.*?)/ »;
preg_match_all ( $find, $text , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$text = implode( »,$match[1]);
//or at least the default language
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$find = « /(?s)(.*?)/ »;
preg_match_all ( $find, $text , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$text = implode( »,$match[1]);
else {
//all untranslated stuff
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$find = « /(?s)(.*?)/ »;
$replace = « »;
$text = preg_replace($find,$replace,$text);
return str_replace(array(« », » »),array( », »),$text);
Handy shortcuts of polyglot_filter function for direct use in the templates
function p__($text){
return polyglot_filter($text);
function p__e($text){
echo polyglot_filter($text);
Does the same as polyglot_filter but shows the message that informs visitor that selected language version is not available
function polyglot_filter_with_message($text){
global $polyglot_settings;
$text = trim(polyglot_filter($text));
if($text == »){
$text = polyglot_filter($polyglot_settings[‘text_is_missing_message’]);
return $text;
/*function safe_link(){
global $post;
$permalink = get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/’ . get_settings(‘blogfilename’) . ‘?’;
if ($post->post_status == ‘static’)
$permalink .= ‘page_id’;
$permalink .= ‘p’;
$permalink .= ‘=’.$post->ID;
return $permalink;
Prints out the list of other language versions contained in the current post.
function polyglot_other_langs($none=’none’, $before=’<ul>‘, $after=’</ul>‘, $pre=’<li>(‘, $afters=’)</li>‘){
global $polyglot_settings, $post;
$uri_helper = »;
else {
$uri_helper = « {$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’]}/ »;
$content = $post->post_content;//fred
$before = polyglot_filter($before);
$after = polyglot_filter($after);
$pre = polyglot_filter($pre);
$afters = polyglot_filter($afters);
$other_langs = polyglot_filter($none);
if (preg_match_all ( ‘/[|]]/’, $content , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
$match = array_unique($match[1]);
$other_langs = $before;
foreach ($match as $lang){
if ($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] != $lang) {
$foo = ($polyglot_settings[‘use_flags’] ) ? « <img /> » : get_trans($lang);
$other_langs .= « $pre<a>{$foo}</a>$afters »;
if($other_langs != $before)//to avoid empty <ul></ul>
$other_langs .= $after;
$other_langs = $none;
echo $other_langs;
Prepares text for slug
function polyglot_sanitize_title($text){
global $polyglot_settings;
$text = polyglot_filter($text, $polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’]);
return $text;
//————code from ‘translate categories’ plugin———–
function polyglot_translate_callback($matches){
return $matches[1].__($matches[2]).$matches[3];
Not very nice way how to tranlate category name:(
It uses standard gettex function __ and works only when we have the category name in the .mo file!
function polyglot_translate_the_category($text){
return preg_replace_callback(‘/(<a>]*>)(.*?)(</a>)/i’,’polyglot_translate_callback’,$text);
function polyglot_get_users_pref_lang(){
GLOBAL $polyglot_settings;
$deflang = $polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’];
# An advanced PHP Language Detection Script
# by Fibergeek (fibergeek @ codegurus.be)
# This script is a modification to a script I found via google
# 2003-12-18 – Version 1 (I added…)
# – you can now also specify the country code in the $knowlangs array
# – extraction of the country code ($country)
# – I fully documented the code
# 2004-01-07 – Version 2 (I added…)
# – you can now make $knowlangs NULL (the script will set to array to all known languages (ISO-639))
# NOTE : for those using Brion’s script, I renamed $lastquality to $quality
# Found at URL : http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2002-October/001068.html
# Assumed creator : Brion VIBBER (wikitech-l@wikipedia.org)
# HTTP reference : RFC 2616 – ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt
# ==================================================================================================
# You need to add the 2 lines to your source code, and change the content of them of course ;-)
# ==================================================================================================
#$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = NULL; // default to all known languages (ISO-639)
#$deflang = NULL; // there is no default language
#$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘en-us’, ‘en-uk’, ‘en’, ‘nl’); // We know : English (US & UK) and Dutch
#$deflang = ‘en-uk’; // In case of an error, we default to English UK
# ==================================================================================================
# The following variables are returned by this program
# $lclist : the full list with the languages accepted by the client’s browser
# $lctag : the tag we are supporting (includes the country code if any)
# $quality : the quality
# $lang : the language code
# $country : the country code (if any)
# The following variables are used by this program (and may be overwritten if you use them also!)
# $langtag
# $qvalue
# $eachbit
# $tmppos
# $tmplclist
# $tmplctag
# $tmptagarray
# ==================================================================================================
# ==================================================================================================
# ==================================================================================================
# Check that $knowlangs is an array!
# NOTE : the list is taken from this URL : http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm
if(is_string($polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) || is_object($polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) || $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] != NULL)
die(« Fibergeek’s PHP Language Detection Script : You need define $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] as an array or as NULL!<br>n »);
$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘aa’, ‘ab’, ‘af’, ‘am’, ‘ar’, ‘as’, ‘ay’, ‘az’, ‘ba’, ‘be’, ‘bg’, ‘bh’, ‘bi’, ‘bn’, ‘bo’, ‘br’, ‘ca’, ‘co’, ‘cs’, ‘cy’, ‘da’, ‘de’, ‘dz’, ‘el’, ‘en’, ‘eo’, ‘es’, ‘et’, ‘eu’, ‘fa’, ‘fi’, ‘fj’, ‘fo’, ‘fr’, ‘fy’, ‘ga’, ‘gd’, ‘gl’, ‘gn’, ‘gu’, ‘ha’, ‘he’, ‘hi’, ‘hr’, ‘hu’, ‘hy’, ‘ia’, ‘ie’, ‘ik’, ‘in’, ‘is’, ‘it’, ‘iw’, ‘ja’, ‘ji’, ‘jw’, ‘ka’, ‘kk’, ‘kl’, ‘km’, ‘kn’, ‘ko’, ‘ks’, ‘ku’, ‘ky’, ‘la’, ‘ln’, ‘lo’, ‘lt’, ‘lv’, ‘mg’, ‘mi’, ‘mk’, ‘ml’, ‘mn’, ‘mo’, ‘mr’, ‘ms’, ‘mt’, ‘my’, ‘na’, ‘ne’, ‘nl’, ‘no’, ‘oc’, ‘om’, ‘or’, ‘pa’, ‘pl’, ‘ps’, ‘pt’, ‘qu’, ‘rm’, ‘rn’, ‘ro’, ‘ru’, ‘rw’, ‘sa’, ‘sd’, ‘sg’, ‘sh’, ‘si’, ‘sk’, ‘sl’, ‘sm’, ‘sn’, ‘so’, ‘sq’, ‘sr’, ‘ss’, ‘st’, ‘su’, ‘sv’, ‘sw’, ‘ta’, ‘te’, ‘tg’, ‘th’, ‘ti’, ‘tk’, ‘tl’, ‘tn’, ‘to’, ‘tr’, ‘ts’, ‘tt’, ‘tw’, ‘uk’, ‘ur’, ‘uz’, ‘vi’, ‘vo’, ‘wo’, ‘xh’, ‘yo’, ‘zh’, ‘zu’);
# Initalisation of the default variables
$lclist = trim($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE’]); # PHP running from a server
$lclist = trim($_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE’]); # PHP 5.0 when the old server variables disabled
$lctag = $deflang;
$tmppos = strpos($lctag, ‘-‘);
$quality = 0.0;
if($tmppos == FALSE or $tmppos == NULL)
$lang = $deflang;
if($deflang == NULL)
$country = NULL;
$country = »;
$lang = substr($lctag, 0, $tmppos);
$country = substr($lctag, $tmppos + 1);
echo « lang sub = $lang »;
$langtag = ‘((?:[a-zA-Z]{1,8})(?:-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})*)’;
$qvalue ='(0(?:.[0-9]{1,3})?|1(?:.0{1,3}))’;
$eachbit = ‘^’ . $langtag . ‘(?:;q=’ . $qvalue . ‘)?(?:,s*)?(.*)$’;
$tmplclist = $lclist;
# The loop
if(preg_match(« /$eachbit/ », $tmplclist, $tmptagarray)) # requires 3.0.9
# Extract data from the tag list
$tmplctag = $tmptagarray[1];
$tmpquality = $tmptagarray[2];
if(strlen($tmpquality) == 0)
$tmpquality = 1;
$tmplclist = $tmptagarray[3];
# Find the tag in our $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] array (this search includes the country code if set)
if(in_array($tmplctag, $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) and $tmpquality > $quality)
# Extract the language & quality
$lctag = $tmplctag;
$lang = $tmplctag;
$country = »;
$quality = $tmpquality;
# Not found, does the tag include a country code?
$tmppos = strpos($tmplctag, ‘-‘);
if($tmppos FALSE)
# OK, the tag includes a country code but it’s not in the $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] array, let’s extract the language and look it up
if(in_array(substr($tmplctag, 0, $tmppos), $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) and $tmpquality > $quality)
# Extract the language, country & quality
$lctag = $tmplctag;
$lang = substr($tmplctag, 0, $tmppos);
$country = substr($tmplctag, $tmppos + 1);
$quality = $tmpquality;
# There was an error, abort the loop
return $lang;
//=========================== WIDGET CODE============================
function widget_polyglot_init() {
if ( !function_exists(‘register_sidebar_widget’) )
function widget_polyglot($args) {
$options = get_option(‘widget_polyglot’);
$title = $options[‘title’];
$listtype = $options[‘listtype’] ? true : false ;
echo $before_widget . $before_title . polyglot_filter($title) . $after_title . ‘<ul class="language_item">‘;
echo polyglot_list_langs($listtype) . ‘</ul>‘;
echo $after_widget;
function widget_polyglot_control() {
// Get our options and see if we’re handling a form submission.
$options = get_option(‘widget_polyglot’);
if ( !is_array($options) )
$options = array(‘title’=>__(‘Language’), ‘listtype’=> »);
if ( $_POST[‘polyglot-submit’] ) {
// Remember to sanitize and format user input appropriately.
$options[‘title’] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST[‘polyglot-title’]));
$options[‘listtype’] = $_POST[‘polyglot-listtype’];
update_option(‘widget_polyglot’, $options);
// Be sure you format your options to be valid HTML attributes.
$title = htmlspecialchars($options[‘title’], ENT_QUOTES);
$listtype = $options[‘listtype’];
echo ‘<p style="text-align:right"><label for="polyglot-title">Title: </label></p>‘;
echo ‘<p style="text-align:right">Display as: <label for="polyListtypeText">normal list</label>
<label for="polyListtypeFlags">flags list</label></p>‘;
echo »;
function widget_polyglot_style() {
li#polyglot ul li:before, .language_item li{list-style-type:none;display:inline !important;padding: 2px !important;margin: 0 !important;}
$ar[$k] = polyglot_filter_array($v);
} else {
$ar[$k] = polyglot_filter($v);
return $ar;
//================================Backward Compatibility=============================
function lang_picker_respect_more($text){return polyglot_filter($text);}
function lang_picker($text) {return polyglot_filter($text);}
function lp_other_langs($none=’none’, $before=’<ul>‘, $after=’</ul>‘, $pre=’<li>(‘, $afters=’)</li>‘){return polyglot_other_langs($none, $before, $after, $pre, $afters);}
?>7 janvier 2008 à 12 h 00 min #580091Faire un essai en remplaçant :
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_rewrite’] = true;
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_rewrite’] = false;
7 janvier 2008 à 15 h 26 min #580092Après modification ci-dessus, me voilà avec un magnifique :
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/i/n/t/inthewings/html/wp-content/plugins/polyglot.php:1967) in /home/content/i/n/t/inthewings/html/wp-content/plugins/polyglot.php on line 513
7 janvier 2008 à 16 h 13 min #580093Il y a quoi autour de la ligne 1967 du fichier polyglot.php ? Ainsi qu’autour de la ligne 513… La ligne modifiée se situe au début du fichier donc je ne vois pas le rapport…
7 janvier 2008 à 17 h 28 min #580094ligne 512
//let’s check if user has chosen the preferred language
if ( isset($_GET[‘lang_pref’]) ) {
$_GET[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower($_GET[‘lang_pref’]);
if( in_array($_GET[‘lang_pref’],$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) ){
setcookie($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’], $_GET[‘lang_pref’], time() + 30000000, COOKIEPATH,COOKIE_DOMAIN);
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]=$_GET[« lang_pref »];
}ligne 1957-1967
//================================Backward Compatibility=============================
function lang_picker_respect_more($text){return polyglot_filter($text);}
function lang_picker($text) {return polyglot_filter($text);}
function lp_other_langs($none=’none’, $before=’<ul>‘, $after=’</ul>‘, $pre=’<li>(‘, $afters=’)</li>‘){return polyglot_other_langs($none, $before, $after, $pre, $afters);}
?>une idée ?😉
8 janvier 2008 à 8 h 25 min #580095tenprod wrote:une idée ?En voyant ces lignes, pas vraiment …. Le message en question survient en général quand il y a un ou plusieurs caractères en début de fichier (ou même une ligne blanche) avant <?php ….
Est-ce le cas ?
Si oui, il faut les enlever car le fichier php doit impérativement commencer par <?php…
Il faut également veiller à sauvegarder le fichier au format texte ASCII et pas un autre format comme UTF-8 par exemple qui ajoute des caractères non affichables au début du fichier. Ceux-ci posent un problème ensuite au serveur PHP qui les interprètent mal.Cordialement
8 janvier 2008 à 18 h 54 min #580096à part après avoir changé le code
// Default language version – used when proper language version of the text is not present or the visitor’s prefered language is unknown
$polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’] = ‘fr’;
//Which language versions you offer for the whole web – use the proper ISO codes!
$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘en’,’fr’);le fichier polyglot.php était tel quel lors de l’installation du plugin, donc je ne vois pas…
il est possible qu’il y ait une incompatibilité avec d’autres plugin dont Ajaxed WP que j’ai cité….9 janvier 2008 à 10 h 59 min #580097Là, je sèche… malheureusement…
10 janvier 2008 à 2 h 03 min #580098néanmoins, merci d’avoir essayé 🍺
20 janvier 2008 à 15 h 41 min #580099Salut à vous « Adeptes de Polyglot » 😉
Encore un probleme de traduction de date….(en, fr)
Je résume: WP MU 1.3 en local ( MAMP, OSX) trad. de WP desactivée pour etre en en_US, theme Photopress + .po.mo…. lecture à plusieurs reprises de CE TOPIC, et de http://fredfred.net/skriker/index.php/polyglot/ …
Mise à jour des fichiers locale.php, polyglot.php
Tout se passe bien pour la traduction des pages, des post, titres, categories, permalinks….sauf pour les MOIS dans les dates et dans les ARCHIVES MENSUELLES
Ils restent en « en », c’est à ne plus rien y comprendre…
Ci dessous mon fichier polyglot.php
Plugin Name: Polyglot
Plugin URI: http://fredfred.net/skriker/index.php/polyglot
Description: Plugin that helps you make your Wordpress powered web completely multilingual. With full support of multiple time and date formats, localization of your RSS feeds and, of course, publishing your posts and pages in any number of languages. Inspired by <a href="http://www.noprerequisite.com/language_picker/">Language Picker</a>. For more information, comments or questions visit the <a href="http://fredfred.net/skriker/index.php/polyglot">Polyglot’s homepage</a>.
Version: 2.3
Author: Martin Chlupac
Author URI: http://fredfred.net/skriker/
Update: http://fredfred.net/skriker/plugin-update.php?p=198
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Default language version – used when proper language version of the text is not present or the visitor’s prefered language is unknown
$polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’] = ‘en’;
//You can define your own translations of language shortcuts
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘en’] = ‘English’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘de’] = ‘deutsch’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘nl’] = ‘nederlands’;
$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘fr’] = ‘Fran√ßais’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘cs’] = ‘ƒçesky’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘it’] = ‘italiano’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘trans’][‘sv’] = ‘svenska’;
//Which language versions you offer for the whole web – use the proper ISO codes!
$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘en’,’fr’);
//set to ‘true’ if there should be shown flags instead of names of languages
$polyglot_settings[‘use_flags’] = true;
//list of ISO codes and their image represantations (flags).
//all flags can be found in ‘polyglot_flags’ directory
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘en’] = ‘gb.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘de’] = ‘de.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘nl’] = ‘nl.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘fr’] = ‘fr.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘cs’] = ‘cz.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘it’] = ‘it.png’;
$polyglot_settings[‘flags’][‘sv’] = ‘se.png’;
//time format for each language
//if not set – default WP time format is used
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘en’] = ‘g.i a’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘de’] = ‘G:i’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘nl’] = ‘G:i’;
$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘fr’] = ‘G:i’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][‘cs’] = ‘G.i’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘en’] = ‘F j, Y’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘de’] = ‘j. F Y’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘nl’] = ‘j F Y’;
$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘fr’] = ‘j F Y’;
//$polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][‘cs’] = ‘j. n. Y’;
/*path to the plugin directory
don’t forget trailing slash if you are changing this value
$polyglot_settings[‘path_to_flags’] = get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’).’/wp-content/plugins/polyglot_flags/’;
//if you use WP older than 1.5 you must use this:
//$polyglot_settings[‘path_to_flags’] = get_bloginfo(‘url’).’/wp-content/plugins/’;
//default text that is shown when the proper language version of the post is missing and even the default language version is not there
// use $polyglot_settings[‘text_is_missing_message’] = »; if you want to turn it off.
$polyglot_settings[‘text_is_missing_message’] = « [lang_en]Sorry, but this post is not available in English[/lang_en][lang_fr]Excusez-nous, cet article n’est pas disponible en français.[/lang_fr] »;
//Should be printed where xx stands for ISO code of current language?
$polyglot_settings[‘print_meta’] = false;
// Name of the cookie – default:’wordpress_lang_pref’.$cookiehash
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’] = ‘wordpress_lang_pref’.COOKIEHASH;
Should Polyglot attempt to dynamically change the WP locale
setting based on user’s prefered language? Note, for this to work
.mo files must be renamed to match the name specified in $polyglot_settings[‘wplang’] array
but you don’t have to rename anything in most cases as there is already list of current WP versions present.
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_change_locale’] = true;
To use permalinks for other languages set this to « true ».
You probably don’t have to do anything else if you have « index.php » in your permalink structure.
In some cases it doesn’t work smoothly with re-writing rules specified in .htaccess file – then you have to add some rules to that file manually.
For more info check: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=mod_rewrite
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_rewrite’] = true;
This should stay turned off unless you had problems with rules in your .htaccess file and you have edited them manually.
$polyglot_settings[‘i_have_manually_edited_my_htaccess_file’] = false; //change this only if you know what you are doing!
There are some helpers added (/lang/, /lang-pref/) by default to the url to help Polyglot distinguish between language code and short post slug.
These can be turned off. But don’t turn them off unless you have a good reason to do that.
$polyglot_settings[‘use_helpers_in_uri’] = true;
If you want to use these helpers but you want to change them – do that here:
$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’] = ‘lang’;
$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’] = ‘lang-pref’;
The xx from [lang_xx] will be translated according to this table to the $locale/WPLANG variable in WP. It also suggests the name of the .mo file.
Add your language or change it as you need.
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘en’] = ‘en_US’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ar’] = ‘ar’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘bg’] = ‘bg_BG’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘cs’] = ‘cs_CZ’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘cy’] = ‘cy’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘da’] = ‘da_DK’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘de’] = ‘de_DE’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘el’] = ‘el’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘eo’] = ‘eo’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘es’] = ‘es_ES’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘fa’] = ‘fa’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘fi’] = ‘fi_FI’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘fr’] = ‘fr_FR’;//fr_BE
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘hu’] = ‘hu_HU’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘it’] = ‘it_IT’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ja’] = ‘ja_JP’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ko’] = ‘ko’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘nb’] = ‘nb_NO’;//nn_NO
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘pl’] = ‘pl_PL’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘pt’] = ‘pt_BR’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘ru’] = ‘ru_RU’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sk’] = ‘sk’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sq’] = ‘sq’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sr’] = ‘sr_CS’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘sv’] = ‘sv_SE’;
$polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][‘zh’] = ‘zh_CN’;
//============================================STOP EDITING HERE! (unless you know what you are doing)=====================================
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘polyglot_filter_with_message’,1);
add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘polyglot_filter_htmlentities’,1);
add_filter(‘single_post_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘single_cat_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘wp_title’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_content_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_excerpt_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_title_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘comment_text_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘bloginfo_rss’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘the_excerpt’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘comment_text’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1);
add_filter(‘list_cats’,’__’,1);//we register standard gettext function
add_filter(‘bloginfo’, ‘polyglot_filter’,1,1);
You probably have to incerase the length of ‘cat_name’ column in MySql table ‘categories’ in your DB to be able to use this.
‘cat_name’ is by default just 55 characters long.
add_filter(‘the_category’, ‘polyglot_filter_htmlentities’,1);
add_filter(‘list_cats’, ‘polyglot_filter_htmlentities’,2);
add_filter(‘sanitize_title’, ‘polyglot_sanitize_title’, 1);
//here we try to guess which language user wants
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] = polyglot_get_users_pref_lang();//we don’t know anything about the user’s preferred language yet but we can get it from his browser
This function processes the requested URI and filters it before the rest of the WP gets it
function polyglot_init() {
global $polyglot_settings,$locale,$wp_locale;
$content = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];
$languages = implode(‘|’,$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]);
$find = array(
« /^(.*)/($languages)/?(.*)$/i »
else {
$find = array(
« /^(.*)/{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’]}/($languages)/?(.*)$/i »,
« /^(.*)/{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’]}/($languages)/?(.*)$/i »
$replace = array( », »);
if (preg_match($find[0], $content, $matches)) {
$content = $matches[1] . « / » . $matches[3];
$_GET[‘lang_pref’] = $matches[2];
if ($polyglot_settings[‘use_helpers_in_uri’] && preg_match($find[1], $content, $matches)) {
$content = $matches[1] . « / » . $matches[3];
$_GET[‘lang_view’] = $matches[2];
$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]= $content;
$_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’] = preg_replace($find,$replace,$_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’]);
$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] = preg_replace($find,$replace,$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]);
//let’s check if user has chosen the preferred language
if ( isset($_GET[‘lang_pref’]) ) {
$_GET[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower($_GET[‘lang_pref’]);
if( in_array($_GET[‘lang_pref’],$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) ){
setcookie($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’], $_GET[‘lang_pref’], time() + 30000000, COOKIEPATH,COOKIE_DOMAIN);
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]=$_GET[« lang_pref »];
//or he wants to see the post in the certain language
elseif( isset($_GET[‘lang_view’])){
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower($_GET[‘lang_view’]);
//or at least has the cookie with some value
elseif( isset($_COOKIE[$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’]]) ) {
$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] = strtolower(trim($_COOKIE[$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’]]));
This part should be removed but for some reason it’s needed on some installations:(
/*if($polyglot_settings[‘lang_rewrite’] && !$polyglot_settings[‘i_have_manually_edited_my_htaccess_file’]){
setcookie($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref_cookie’], $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’], time() + 30000000, COOKIEPATH);
If the Polyglot is supposed to change the global language settings then… let’s do that!
if ($polyglot_settings[‘lang_change_locale’]){
$polyglot_foo = ( isset($polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) ) ? $polyglot_settings[‘wplang’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]] : $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’];
if (!defined(‘WPLANG’)){//just try
define(‘WPLANG’, $polyglot_foo);
if($locale != $polyglot_foo){
$locale = $polyglot_foo;
$wp_locale =& new WP_Locale();
Useful function when you want to generate new links with lang-pref settings. You must get rid of the old stuff!
function polyglot_uri_cleaner($txt){
global $polyglot_settings;
$search = array(
« /{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’]}/../?/i »,
« /{$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’]}/../?/i »,
« /(?|&)lang_view=../i »,
« /(?|&)lang_pref=../i »,
« /^(.*index.php)/$/i »
$replace = array( », », », »,’$1′);
$search[] = « //(« .implode(« | »,$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]). »)/?/i »;
$replace[] = »;
$txt = preg_replace ( $search, $replace, $txt);
return $txt;
function polyglot_knownlangs(){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’];
function polyglot_translations(){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘trans’];
//—————————————————————time functions ————————
function polyglot_date($d = », $time = »){
global $polyglot_settings;
if($d == » && isset($polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]])){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
if(strpos($time, ‘-‘)){//trick to find you if we’ve got « mysql time » or unix timestamp
$time = mysql2date($d, $time);
$time = date($d,$time);
return $time;
function polyglot_time($d = », $time = »){
global $polyglot_settings;
if($d == » && isset($polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]])){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
if(strpos($time, ‘-‘)){//trick to find you if we’ve got « mysql time » or unix timestamp
$time = mysql2date($d, $time);
$time = date($d,$time);
return $time;
function polyglot_comment_time($time) {
global $comment,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) ){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$comment_date = $comment->comment_date;
$time = mysql2date($d, $comment_date);
return $time;
function polyglot_the_time($time,$d = »){
global $post,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) && $d== »){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘time_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$time = $post->post_date;
$time = mysql2date($d, $time);
return $time;
function polyglot_comment_date($time) {
global $comment,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) ){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$comment_date = $comment->comment_date;
$time = mysql2date($d, $comment_date);
return $time;
function polyglot_the_date($the_date, $d = », $before = », $after = »){
global $post,$polyglot_settings;
if( isset($polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]]) && $d== » && $the_date!= » ){
$d = $polyglot_settings[‘date_format’][$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]];
$the_date = $post->post_date;
$the_date = $before.mysql2date($d, $the_date).$after;
return $the_date;
function polyglot_get_lang(){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’];
function get_trans($lang){
global $polyglot_settings;
return $polyglot_settings[‘trans’][$lang];
return $lang;
function polyglot_wp_head(){
global $polyglot_settings;
echo « »;
function polyglot_filter_htmlentities($content, $category = null){
$content = preg_replace(« /<(/){0,1}lang_(..)>/i », « », $content);
return polyglot_filter($content);
Very simple test if the $lang version is present in the text.
function polyglot_lang_exists($lang, $content){
return ( !(strpos($content, « ») === false) || !(strpos($content, « [lang_$lang] ») === false) );
function polyglot_list_langs($flags=false){
global $polyglot_settings,$wp_query;
$clean_uri = polyglot_uri_cleaner($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]);
$uri_helper = »;
else {
$uri_helper = « {$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_pref’]}/ »;
foreach($polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] as $value){
if ( $value==$polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] ) {
$highlight = « language_item current_language_item »;
} else {
$highlight = « language_item »;
echo « <li class="$highlight"><a>« . (($flags) ? « <img /> » : get_trans($value)) . »</a></li>« ;
Original function in WP doesn’t work properly:(
function polyglot_trailingslashit($uri){
if($uri{strlen($uri)-1} != ‘/’)
return $uri.’/’;
return $uri;
The core function of the plugin. Selects only one language version from the passed text.
function polyglot_filter($text, $lang = ») {
global $polyglot_settings;
if($lang == »){$lang = $polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’];}
$text = preg_replace(« /[(/){0,1}lang_(..)]/i », « », $text);//fix for [lang_xx]
$text = preg_replace (‘/<p>()</p>/i’, »$1″,$text);//fix for <p></p>
$text = preg_replace (‘/()/i’, »\1″,$text);//adds lang_all to all other stuff that is not enclosed in lang_xx tags
$text = preg_replace (‘/()/i’, »\1″,$text);
$text = ».$text. »;
if (preg_match_all ( ‘//’, $text , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
if (isset($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’]) && polyglot_lang_exists($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’],$text)){
//lets try to get proper language version
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);//we don’t want just lang_pref parts but also lang_all parts
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$find = « /(?s)(.*?)/ »;
preg_match_all ( $find, $text , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$text = implode( »,$match[1]);
//or at least the default language
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$find = « /(?s)(.*?)/ »;
preg_match_all ( $find, $text , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$text = implode( »,$match[1]);
else {
//all untranslated stuff
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$text=str_replace(« », » »,$text);
$find = « /(?s)(.*?)/ »;
$replace = « »;
$text = preg_replace($find,$replace,$text);
return str_replace(array(« », » »),array( », »),$text);
Handy shortcuts of polyglot_filter function for direct use in the templates
function p__($text){
return polyglot_filter($text);
function p__e($text){
echo polyglot_filter($text);
Does the same as polyglot_filter but shows the message that informs visitor that selected language version is not available
function polyglot_filter_with_message($text){
global $polyglot_settings;
$text = trim(polyglot_filter($text));
if($text == »){
$text = polyglot_filter($polyglot_settings[‘text_is_missing_message’]);
return $text;
/*function safe_link(){
global $post;
$permalink = get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/’ . get_settings(‘blogfilename’) . ‘?’;
if ($post->post_status == ‘static’)
$permalink .= ‘page_id’;
$permalink .= ‘p’;
$permalink .= ‘=’.$post->ID;
return $permalink;
Prints out the list of other language versions contained in the current post.
function polyglot_other_langs($none=’none’, $before=’<ul>‘, $after=’</ul>‘, $pre=’<li>(‘, $afters=’)</li>‘){
global $polyglot_settings, $post;
$uri_helper = »;
else {
$uri_helper = « {$polyglot_settings[‘uri_helpers’][‘lang_view’]}/ »;
$content = $post->post_content;//fred
$before = polyglot_filter($before);
$after = polyglot_filter($after);
$pre = polyglot_filter($pre);
$afters = polyglot_filter($afters);
$other_langs = polyglot_filter($none);
if (preg_match_all ( ‘/[|]]/’, $content , $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
$match = array_unique($match[1]);
$other_langs = $before;
foreach ($match as $lang){
if ($polyglot_settings[‘lang_pref’] != $lang) {
$foo = ($polyglot_settings[‘use_flags’] ) ? « <img /> » : get_trans($lang);
$other_langs .= « $pre<a>{$foo}</a>$afters »;
if($other_langs != $before)//to avoid empty <ul></ul>
$other_langs .= $after;
$other_langs = $none;
echo $other_langs;
Prepares text for slug
function polyglot_sanitize_title($text){
global $polyglot_settings;
$text = polyglot_filter($text, $polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’]);
return $text;
//————code from ‘translate categories’ plugin———–
function polyglot_translate_callback($matches){
return $matches[1].__($matches[2]).$matches[3];
Not very nice way how to tranlate category name:(
It uses standard gettex function __ and works only when we have the category name in the .mo file!
function polyglot_translate_the_category($text){
return preg_replace_callback(‘/(<a>]*>)(.*?)(</a>)/i’,’polyglot_translate_callback’,$text);
function polyglot_get_users_pref_lang(){
GLOBAL $polyglot_settings;
$deflang = $polyglot_settings[‘default_lang’];
# An advanced PHP Language Detection Script
# by Fibergeek (fibergeek @ codegurus.be)
# This script is a modification to a script I found via google
# 2003-12-18 – Version 1 (I added…)
# – you can now also specify the country code in the $knowlangs array
# – extraction of the country code ($country)
# – I fully documented the code
# 2004-01-07 – Version 2 (I added…)
# – you can now make $knowlangs NULL (the script will set to array to all known languages (ISO-639))
# NOTE : for those using Brion’s script, I renamed $lastquality to $quality
# Found at URL : http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2002-October/001068.html
# Assumed creator : Brion VIBBER (wikitech-l@wikipedia.org)
# HTTP reference : RFC 2616 – ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt
# ==================================================================================================
# You need to add the 2 lines to your source code, and change the content of them of course ;-)
# ==================================================================================================
#$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = NULL; // default to all known languages (ISO-639)
#$deflang = NULL; // there is no default language
#$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘en-us’, ‘en-uk’, ‘en’, ‘nl’); // We know : English (US & UK) and Dutch
#$deflang = ‘en-uk’; // In case of an error, we default to English UK
# ==================================================================================================
# The following variables are returned by this program
# $lclist : the full list with the languages accepted by the client’s browser
# $lctag : the tag we are supporting (includes the country code if any)
# $quality : the quality
# $lang : the language code
# $country : the country code (if any)
# The following variables are used by this program (and may be overwritten if you use them also!)
# $langtag
# $qvalue
# $eachbit
# $tmppos
# $tmplclist
# $tmplctag
# $tmptagarray
# ==================================================================================================
# ==================================================================================================
# ==================================================================================================
# Check that $knowlangs is an array!
# NOTE : the list is taken from this URL : http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm
if(is_string($polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) || is_object($polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) || $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] != NULL)
die(« Fibergeek’s PHP Language Detection Script : You need define $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] as an array or as NULL!<br>n »);
$polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] = array(‘aa’, ‘ab’, ‘af’, ‘am’, ‘ar’, ‘as’, ‘ay’, ‘az’, ‘ba’, ‘be’, ‘bg’, ‘bh’, ‘bi’, ‘bn’, ‘bo’, ‘br’, ‘ca’, ‘co’, ‘cs’, ‘cy’, ‘da’, ‘de’, ‘dz’, ‘el’, ‘en’, ‘eo’, ‘es’, ‘et’, ‘eu’, ‘fa’, ‘fi’, ‘fj’, ‘fo’, ‘fr’, ‘fy’, ‘ga’, ‘gd’, ‘gl’, ‘gn’, ‘gu’, ‘ha’, ‘he’, ‘hi’, ‘hr’, ‘hu’, ‘hy’, ‘ia’, ‘ie’, ‘ik’, ‘in’, ‘is’, ‘it’, ‘iw’, ‘ja’, ‘ji’, ‘jw’, ‘ka’, ‘kk’, ‘kl’, ‘km’, ‘kn’, ‘ko’, ‘ks’, ‘ku’, ‘ky’, ‘la’, ‘ln’, ‘lo’, ‘lt’, ‘lv’, ‘mg’, ‘mi’, ‘mk’, ‘ml’, ‘mn’, ‘mo’, ‘mr’, ‘ms’, ‘mt’, ‘my’, ‘na’, ‘ne’, ‘nl’, ‘no’, ‘oc’, ‘om’, ‘or’, ‘pa’, ‘pl’, ‘ps’, ‘pt’, ‘qu’, ‘rm’, ‘rn’, ‘ro’, ‘ru’, ‘rw’, ‘sa’, ‘sd’, ‘sg’, ‘sh’, ‘si’, ‘sk’, ‘sl’, ‘sm’, ‘sn’, ‘so’, ‘sq’, ‘sr’, ‘ss’, ‘st’, ‘su’, ‘sv’, ‘sw’, ‘ta’, ‘te’, ‘tg’, ‘th’, ‘ti’, ‘tk’, ‘tl’, ‘tn’, ‘to’, ‘tr’, ‘ts’, ‘tt’, ‘tw’, ‘uk’, ‘ur’, ‘uz’, ‘vi’, ‘vo’, ‘wo’, ‘xh’, ‘yo’, ‘zh’, ‘zu’);
# Initalisation of the default variables
$lclist = trim($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE’]); # PHP running from a server
$lclist = trim($_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE’]); # PHP 5.0 when the old server variables disabled
$lctag = $deflang;
$tmppos = strpos($lctag, ‘-‘);
$quality = 0.0;
if($tmppos == FALSE or $tmppos == NULL)
$lang = $deflang;
if($deflang == NULL)
$country = NULL;
$country = »;
$lang = substr($lctag, 0, $tmppos);
$country = substr($lctag, $tmppos + 1);
echo « lang sub = $lang »;
$langtag = ‘((?:[a-zA-Z]{1,8})(?:-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})*)’;
$qvalue ='(0(?:.[0-9]{1,3})?|1(?:.0{1,3}))’;
$eachbit = ‘^’ . $langtag . ‘(?:;q=’ . $qvalue . ‘)?(?:,s*)?(.*)$’;
$tmplclist = $lclist;
# The loop
if(preg_match(« /$eachbit/ », $tmplclist, $tmptagarray)) # requires 3.0.9
# Extract data from the tag list
$tmplctag = $tmptagarray[1];
$tmpquality = $tmptagarray[2];
if(strlen($tmpquality) == 0)
$tmpquality = 1;
$tmplclist = $tmptagarray[3];
# Find the tag in our $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] array (this search includes the country code if set)
if(in_array($tmplctag, $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) and $tmpquality > $quality)
# Extract the language & quality
$lctag = $tmplctag;
$lang = $tmplctag;
$country = »;
$quality = $tmpquality;
# Not found, does the tag include a country code?
$tmppos = strpos($tmplctag, ‘-‘);
if($tmppos FALSE)
# OK, the tag includes a country code but it’s not in the $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’] array, let’s extract the language and look it up
if(in_array(substr($tmplctag, 0, $tmppos), $polyglot_settings[‘knownlangs’]) and $tmpquality > $quality)
# Extract the language, country & quality
$lctag = $tmplctag;
$lang = substr($tmplctag, 0, $tmppos);
$country = substr($tmplctag, $tmppos + 1);
$quality = $tmpquality;
# There was an error, abort the loop
return $lang;
//=========================== WIDGET CODE============================
function widget_polyglot_init() {
if ( !function_exists(‘register_sidebar_widget’) )
function widget_polyglot($args) {
$options = get_option(‘widget_polyglot’);
$title = $options[‘title’];
$listtype = $options[‘listtype’] ? true : false ;
echo $before_widget . $before_title . polyglot_filter($title) . $after_title . ‘<ul class="language_item">‘;
echo polyglot_list_langs($listtype) . ‘</ul>‘;
echo $after_widget;
function widget_polyglot_control() {
// Get our options and see if we’re handling a form submission.
$options = get_option(‘widget_polyglot’);
if ( !is_array($options) )
$options = array(‘title’=>__(‘Language’), ‘listtype’=> »);
if ( $_POST[‘polyglot-submit’] ) {
// Remember to sanitize and format user input appropriately.
$options[‘title’] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST[‘polyglot-title’]));
$options[‘listtype’] = $_POST[‘polyglot-listtype’];
update_option(‘widget_polyglot’, $options);
// Be sure you format your options to be valid HTML attributes.
$title = htmlspecialchars($options[‘title’], ENT_QUOTES);
$listtype = $options[‘listtype’];
echo ‘<p style="text-align:right"><label for="polyglot-title">Title: </label></p>‘;
echo ‘<p style="text-align:right">Display as: <label for="polyListtypeText">normal list</label>
<label for="polyListtypeFlags">flags list</label></p>‘;
echo »;
function widget_polyglot_style() {
li#polyglot ul li:before, .language_item li{list-style-type:none;display:inline !important;padding: 2px !important;margin: 0 !important;}
$ar[$k] = polyglot_filter_array($v);
} else {
$ar[$k] = polyglot_filter($v);
return $ar;
//================================Backward Compatibility=============================
function lang_picker_respect_more($text){return polyglot_filter($text);}
function lang_picker($text) {return polyglot_filter($text);}
function lp_other_langs($none=’none’, $before=’<ul>‘, $after=’</ul>‘, $pre=’<li>(‘, $afters=’)</li>‘){return polyglot_other_langs($none, $before, $after, $pre, $afters);}
?>Il est ou le probleme???
ps: super tuto et super forum pour apprendre et comprendre wp20 janvier 2008 à 19 h 04 min #580100😉✅
Apres relecture relecture relecture de #117 et #118 ca marche…
Comme quoi !!!!
Quand on cherche !!!!
On trouve sur :wp: -fr.net/30 janvier 2008 à 16 h 34 min #580101Tenprod> essaye de reprendre ton fichier polyglot original, en l’ouvrant uniquement avec un type de bloc note (Notepad++ OU Wordpad OU BlocNote). Essaye les tous un par un et à un moment tu verras que ca marchera. Pour chaque éditeur, prends à chaque fois l’original.
J’ai eu le même problème que toi et sans vraiment de raison, en recommencant du fichier original à un moment ca marche (malheuresement je ne me rapelle plus quel éditeur a marché pour moi)5 février 2008 à 22 h 19 min #579909UPDATE DU 5/02/08:
Mise à jour wordpress 2.3, petits changements:
Les fichiers de traductions fr_FR.mo et fr_FR.po ont changé de place.
Ils se trouvaient auparavant ds le répertoire: wp-includes/languages ; ils sont désormais dans le répertoire wp-content/languages .
Pour ceux qui font un update vers la 2.3, il faut donc ouvrir le fichier fr_FR.po de la version 2.3 avec votre éditeur de texte et lui rajouter les lignes de traductions que vous aviez rajouté à votre version précédente, enregistrez, ouvrir le fichier avec poEdit, générer de nouveau le fichier fr_FR.mo et le placer sur votre serveur.La table catégories a disparu et est gréffée dans la table wp-terms, c’est donc là qu’il faudra éventuellement modifié les noms de cat si vous voulez les traduire.
FIN UPDATE DU 5/02/08:
7 mars 2008 à 14 h 50 min #580102Bonjour a tous!
Après avoir parcouru de long en large ce topic j ai une question
Je suis en train de créer un blog multilingue (en local pour le moment) et l intégration de Polyglot se passe sans trop de problèmes (pas encore eu le temps de m attaquer au format des dates mais ça a l air bien documente sur ce post, ce sera pour plus tard)
J ai créé ce blog pour pouvoir donner de mes nouvelles lors d un voyage d un an que je vais bientôt entreprendre. Compte tenu des contraintes que cela entraine je ne pense pas avoir le temps d’écrire mes posts a la fois en anglais et en français, en tout cas pas systématiquement. Hors, si je balise un post uniquement en français, mes amis anglophones vont systématiquement voir apparaitre un truc du style : « ce sujet n existe pas dans la langue sélectionnée »
J aurais aime qu’ils n aient en frontpage que la liste des posts disponibles dans leur langue, mais je ne vois pas trop comment procéder
double installation? autre base de données?
Merci pour votre aide (et merci pour ce post qui a déjà repondu a beaucoup de questions!)
- Vous devez être connecté pour répondre à ce sujet.