Erreurs 500 (wordpress + serveur dédié OVH) (Créer un compte)

  • Statut : non résolu
2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
  • Auteur
  • #478900
    Chevalier WordPress
    233 contributions


    Ma configuration WP actuelle
    – Version de WordPress :
    – Version de PHP/MySQL :
    – Thème utilisé :
    – Extensions en place :
    – Nom de l’hebergeur :
    – Adresse du site :

    Problème(s) rencontré(s) :

    Bonjour !
    J’héberge un blog WORDPRESS sur un dédié OVH dont les caractéristiques sont les suivantes :
    Intel Bi Xeon Quad 8x 2.00+ GHz 64 bits, debian 5.0 stable.

    Or, j’ai environ une erreur 500 tous les jours ou tous les deux jours. J’aurais aimé savoir si vous aviez une piste, car le serveur dédié est très puissant et il n’y a pas de raison qu’il plante…

    Voici la dernière requête balancée avant que tout plante :
    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS distinct wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id = wp_posts.ID AND wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND wp_term_taxonomy.term_id IN (8975) ) ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 30


    Chevalier WordPress
    233 contributions

    Personne pour m’aider ?

    Voici les logs si ça peut aider (ça me fait cette erreur à peu près chaque jour) :

    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: 100208 12:17:14 – mysqld got signal 11;
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: and this may fail.
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]:
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: key_buffer_size=16777216
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: read_buffer_size=131072
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: max_used_connections=38
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: max_connections=2000
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: threads_connected=8
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: It is possible that mysqld could use up to
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 4368368 K
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: bytes of memory
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: Hope that’s ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]:
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: thd=0x7f58701cf510
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: terribly wrong…
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: Cannot determine thread, fp=0x7f58701cf510, backtrace may not be correct.
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: Bogus stack limit or frame pointer, fp=0x7f58701cf510, stack_bottom=0x446d0000, thread_stack=131072, aborting backtrace.
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: Trying to get some variables.
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort…
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: thd->query at 0x24b6d70 = SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS distinct wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id = wp_posts.ID AND wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND wp_term_taxonomy.term_id IN (8975) ) ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 30
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: thd->thread_id=28238
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: The manual page at contains
    Feb 8 12:17:14 ns210031 mysqld[998]: information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

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